Our Services

Multi-tenant ecommerce development

To help our clients build tools for the most demanding needs, we provide support in building multi-tenant applications. This delivers isolation that’s required in most demanding B2B e-commerce, SaaS tools or when supporting international organization.

We provide expertise in building multi-tenant solutions for scale across variety of industries ranging from e-commerce to insurance.

Our experience in building
multi-tenant solutions

We work with a variety of partners and tools that are used in multi-tenancy products. Also we brought our own contributions to the official multi-tenancy extension for Spree, a leading headless e-commerce backend based on Ruby on Rails.

Depending on the scaling and functional needs, we can architect solutions that use row-level mutli-tenancy, database-level mutli-tenancy or a combination of both approaches.

Key benefits

Data isolation between instances
The heart of multi-tenancy lies in isolating data between instances of the application. This is often critical for applications serving the enterprise market, where such protection is a must.
Per-instance configuration and preferences
Following the mullti-tenant model brings an ability to reuse a codebase and hardware resources with mutliple configurations. This enables use-cases like separate versions of the same application for different markets or white-label platforms.
Lower cost of ownership
By following mult-tenant approach, you get the ability to optimize usage of the underlying hardware resources. For services operating on a large scale that translates to significant reduction in infrastructure and maintenance cost.

A Story of a Great Relationship

After a year of close collaboration with Upside, we couldn’t be more satisfied with their professionalism and the quality of their service. Upside provided us a real boutique experience, as they tailored their offer to our needs, scaling accordingly to our challenges. What we enjoyed the most was their ability to internalize our vision and be proactive in their advice and assessments. Building our e-commerce platform and having worked for some of the most prominent technology companies in the world, we knew we wanted a partner that could match our speed. We found in Upside that partner. Our platform is live, growing exponentially and gaining a lot of traction in our target demographic.

Jonathan Gall
Head of Platform at Yoonema

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