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Optimizing your React application for the “Interaction to Next Paint (INP)” Web Vitals metric

April 16, 2024

Learn more about INP from the developer’s perspective. I’ll guide you through testing for INP, verifying potential causes of low INP scores, and how you can leverage new React

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Spree + Vue Storefront Integration: 1.3.0 Released

February 23, 2022

We're happy to announce that we've just released a new version of our Spree + Vue Storefront integration. This is a minor update, featuring multiple bug fixes and improvements of internal code...

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Spree + Vue Storefront Integration: 1.2.0 Released

January 20, 2022

We're happy to announce that we've just released a new version of our Spree + Vue Storefront integration. This is a minor update, featuring multiple bug fixes and improvements of internal code stru...

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